New Release
Losing Home, Finding Home
Sindh, 1947
Sometimes, terrible things happen. This book tells the story of a people who faced their misfortunes with bravery and creative enterprise. It is a collection of true personal accounts of sudden trauma, followed by a process of recovery, exploration, and rebuilding.
For a people who lost their homeland – and realised, much later, that the loss had also cost them their language and their culture – this book forms a repository of precious memories supplemented by historically-authentic illustrations and rare archival photographs.
New release
in their own country
75 verses, on the 75th anniversary of Partition, provides a chariot for anyone, across generations, who wishes to step into Sunayna Pal’s time machine and experience those lost moments, painful moments, moments of truth, which she has magically recreated.
A Modern Day Classic
Sindh: Stories from a Vanished Homeland
In November 2012, when this book was published, documentation about the Partition experiences of the Hindus of Sindh, and their rehabilitation, was scanty. Beginning with one woman’s memories of her childhood, the book evolved to form a depository of individual experiences, supplemented by information from secondary sources. Together, these provide a multi-dimensional perspective of the community.
The book soon found its place in university libraries around the world, as well as among the treasured chronicles of families to whom it gave a better understanding of their recent history and their disrupted cultural heritage.
Business biographies
black-and-white fountain offers writing and editing services
Working with an experienced biographer to write one’s memoirs is a therapeutic process of looking back on life, understanding its phases and transitions and articulating the important events, insights, learning and influences that made you who you have become.

Beyond the rainbow
Murli Melwani
This collection of short stories is set in the global Sindhi diaspora, an interesting and little-known history which is only just emerging.Literary fiction by Murli Melwani, Beyond the Rainbow, offers not just an enjoyable reading experience but also insights into the lifestyle and business practices of the Sindhi families living in ports around the world.
An elephant kissed my window
M Ravindran & Saaz Aggarwal
An account of life on the tea plantations of South India over a period of fifty years, this book largely comprises personal anecdotes, traces the journey that began when once-impenetrable jungle made way for the pioneering British planters of the eighteenth century.Our Sindh Library
Readers' Opinions
The Telegraph
Mint Lounge
The Hindu